A Solution Knowledge Base (SKB) article covers 1 problem and 1 solution. Full design doc.
A Troubleshooting Knowledge Base (TKB) article covers 1 problem with many solutions. Full design doc.
As a PKC you read a ticket, create the SKB article, and if there were troubleshooting steps, you create a TKB as well. The first iteration of a TKB article will be useless compared to the existing SKB article. As additional tickets for the same type of problem are analyzed, additional branches are added to the TKB article, thus making it valuable.
Rules to define the scope of SKB vs TKB:
- Article are defined by their problem, regardless if they are SKB or TKB
- SKB have a clear problem with a known solution based on the problem.
- TKB have an unclear problem with many possible solutions including unknown solutions.
- The problem is defined by the symptoms experienced by the customer.
- SKB solutions can have multiple steps that might fix the problem, but there is only 1 path.
- SKB has only 1 possible solution, even if it includes multiple steps that could possibly fix the issue, because there are no decisions to make, you try the steps in the set order every time.
- TKB solutions can have multiple steps that fix the problem, but they branch into different directions based on diagnostic steps.
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